Understanding the Academic Resilience of Students in Managing Coursework Responsibilities and The Rationale behind The Usage of ChatGPT
Background: The application of technology in this digital era is diverse, especially in the academic field. Students use AI tools to complete academic assignments for a variety of reasons. ChatGPT is one of the AI tools used. Study aims: The purpose of this study is to measure the academic resilience of graduate students and to investigate the rationale behind the decision of ChatGPT usage. Method: The mix-method was used in this study. The sample was determined using simple purposive sampling with criteria determined by the researchers. The quantitative data of this study was by distributing questionnaires about academic resilience using ARS-30 and analyzed it using SPSS 26.00. And for the qualitative data, the researchers used forum group discussion to investigate the rationale behind the decision of ChatGPT usage. Results: The findings showed that Academic Resilience affects how student manage their coursework responsibilities and how they use ChatGPT. Conclusion: The usage of ChatGPT has for academic purposes must be encouraged by emphasizing ethical and responsible manner.
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