Reliability and Factorial Structure of Indonesian Version of the Somatic Symptom Disorders – B Criteria Scale (SSD-12) in Undergraduate Students Sample
Background: Somatic symptom disorder (SSD) was one of prevalent mental health problems in community and clinical population, yet the prevalence among university students was still underexplored. A screening tool to assess SSD among university students is critical to enhance the mental health service provision in university settings. Study aims: This study aims to validate the Indonesian version of the Somatic Symptom Disorders – B Criteria Scale (SSD-12) as mental health screening tool in university student sample. Method: Forward-backward translation was conducted followed by content validity examination. A number 277 undergraduate students filled in the SSD-12 during the field test (85.5% was female, M= 19.7; SD= 1.44). Descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s Alpha reliability analysis, Pearson’s correlation, and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to determine and examine item and scale characteristics, reliability, item-rest correlation, and factorial structure of the scale. Result: The result showed that the SSD-12 had excellent reliability as full-scale (α= .907) and had moderate and good reliability at sub-scale level (.693, .837, and .858 for cognitive, affective, and behavioral sub-scale. Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable fit indices for one-factor model (CFI=0.938; TLI=0.921; RMSEA=0.086; 90% CI= 0.071-0.102) and good fit indices for three-factors model (CFI=0.968; TLI=0.957; RMSEA=.064; 90% CI= 0.047-0.081). Conclusion: The Indonesian version of SSD-12 was valid and reliable to be used as screening instrument in Indonesian university student sample.
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