Religiosity and Stress Level on Pregnant Women

Muslim Pregnant Women Religiosity Stress Level


Vol. 4 (2023)
Promoting Society's Good Health
October 20, 2023


Pregnancy can be a stressful time for women as they prepare for the physical and emotional changes that come with childbirth. Religiosity has been found to have a significant impact on stress levels in various populations. This study aims to understand the relationship between religiosity and stress level of pregnant women. It is a quantitative research. The study included 53 Muslim pregnant women participants. Data was taken using the Religiosity Scale and Stress Level Scale. The data was analyzed by product moment analysis correlation. The result of the analysis showed a negative and strong correlation between religiosity and stress levels, with a coefficient correlation (rxy)= -0,894 (p<0,01) and a coefficient determination of 0,796. Based on this data, it was concluded that religiosity contributed effectively to the stress levels of Muslim pregnant women by 79,6%. The hypothesis was proven, that there was a relationship between religiosity and stress level among Muslim pregnant women. The study underscores the importance of understanding the complex interplay between religion and mental health. The findings suggest that religiosity can be an effective factor in reducing stress levels in Muslim pregnant women.