This 4th International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPsyche) 2023, was held at Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 May 2023, hosted by Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro. Our theme was “Embracing the Human Side of Change: Promoting Gender Equality,
Good Health, and Well-being in Family, Educational, and Work Settings” that challenges researchers, psychologists, educators and stakeholders to critically engage with questions about ‘what is happening’ and ‘what can be done’ in many settings that impact our family, both within Indonesia and internationally.

We are delighted to present a range of highly respected keynote speakers who will provoke our thinking and practice. Come join us for two days of online research presentations and discussions.

The 3rd ICPSYCHE was succesfully held on 28th-29st May 2022. 


Current Issue

Vol. 4 (2023)
Conference Summary

These articles are the result of The 4th International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPsyche) 2023, held in Semarang, Indonesia,6-7 May 2023. This event was organized by Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro Indonesia.
This conference was held to challenges researchers, psychologists, educators, and stakeholders to critically engage with questions about ‘what is happening’ and ‘what can be done’ in many settings that impact our family, both within Indonesia and internationally (the importance or aim of the conference)
These articles discuss about: gender equality, good health, and well-being in family, educational, and work settings (conference topics).

Published: 2023-10-24

About the Conference

Education and Quality Of Life

Mental Health, Well being and Positive Behavior

Parenting and Family Involvement